S. Aupetit, S. Espié, B. Larnaudie, J. Riff, O. Buttelli
Pages: 15-22
This article presents an integrated approach including a designed tools set and methodologies dedicated to the study of motorcyclist’s behaviour in real context: (1) an instrumentation in sensors and a data logger embedded in a motorbike, (2) a set of cameras in order to collect audiovisual recordings of motorcyclists’ behaviour, (3) self-confrontation interviews used after riding session. This approach, derived from Cognitive Ergonomics, is detailed and adapted to the investigation of motorcycle riding. The combination of these tools provides different levels of data to understand riders’ behaviour, their decision-making process and underlined motives, in a road safety perspective. Examples offered by this new approach, extracted form a recent project which concerns the study of novice’s rider activity, are presented and discussed.
Keywords: motorcycle riding behaviour; integrated approach; real context; data logger; ergonomics