H. Zhang, Y. Wang
Pages: 21-32
Pedestrian clearance time refers to a transition period when pedestrians may experience a psycho-physical process before deciding to cross the intersection. This paper focuses on this period and aims at exploring the impact factors of the pedestrian choice behavior. Three crosswalk sites with the pedestrian signal are selected to take the intercept survey on-street in Chongqing, China. Besides, questionnaires are designed according to the psychological model of planned behavior theory. Then Pedestrians are solicited to finish the questionnaire after they go through the crosswalk. At the same time, cameras are used to record the entire process of pedestrian’s behaviors, signal information, and intersection geometrics, etc. The contributory factors, such as pedestrian’s gender, accompanied, display of the pedestrian clearance time, the length of the crosswalk, refuge, pedestrian red time, and the pedestrian’s psychological behaviors, to the pedestrian’s choice were analyzed. However, age and driving license holding was less important. Finally, pedestrian’s choice behaviors are predicted using a logistic regression model in accordance with these factors during the pedestrian clearance time.
Keywords: pedestrian clearance time; intercept survey on-street; questionnaire; theory of planned behavior; logistic regression model