J-M. Girard, K. Younsi, J. Floris, P. Simon, P. Loslever, J-C. Popieul
Pages: 49-58
More and more, cars are being equipped with In-Vehicle Information Systems or Advanced Driving Assistance Systems. The development of such equipment involves evaluating the actual impact of their use on the driver behavior. One interesting way to accomplish this evaluation is to complete an “on line” assessment of driver workload. However, at this point in time, no workload assessment methods exist that are able to satisfactorily assess the impact of driver assistance system use. This paper describes an experimental study whose ultimate goal is to develop a workload indicator based on objective measurements performed on the car itself. In this first step of the study, subjective workload assessment methods are used as a reference.
Keywords: driving simulation; driver behavior; secondary task; workload; subjective assessment; data analysis