H. Zhou, D. Miller, P. Hsu

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Pages: 77-88

This paper presents an innovative research on the pedestrian safety on multi-lane high-speed arterials based on a case example of US 19 in Pinellas County, Florida. The corridor’s crash data and infrastructure information were collected and reviewed in detail, after which recommendations were made to reduce crashes involving pedestrians along the corridor. A correlation analysis was conducted to reveal the relationship between the pedestrian crash and access density, transit stop density, and lighting level. Countermeasure recommendations included innovative approaches to pedestrian safety based on a comprehensive review of recent national and international studies. The countermeasures included engineering, enforcement, and human behavior modification tactics. It is expected that the countermeasures identified for this high speed and multi-lane corridor shall be applicable along the remainder of US 19 and similar principal arterials in other regions.

Keywords: pedestrian safety; arterials; countermeasures; multilane highways

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