C. Lemieux, A. Stinchcombe, S. Gagnon, M. Bédard

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Pages: 33-42

The purpose of this study was to determine how comparable driving performance on a ‘Low-Cost Desktop’ single screen driving simulator and a ‘Mid-level’ fixed-base driving simulator (STISIM, Systems Technology Inc.) is. Fifty-two participants completed a 12 km virtual driving course on each simulator with at least 14 days separating both sessions. Driving performance was assessed using overall driving errors recorded by the simulator and through an observer-based demerit point scoring system. Speed and lane deviation parameters were used as local indicators of driving responses. Moderate to high correlations between the two platforms indicated that participants reacted similarly on both platforms. Our findings suggest that the two platforms yielded comparable data and that the ‘Low-Cost Desktop’ simulators could be used as a reliable replacement option to ‘Mid-Level’ driving simulators.

Keywords: driving simulation; driving behavior; simulator reliability; platform comparison

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