K. King, L. Strawderman

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Pages: 45-56

In this study, we aim to identify which wayfinding strategies are used when drivers enter a new environment, as well as to identify which strategy is the most efficient. Using a high-fidelity driving simulator, participants completed one drive in a city environment. The stated objective for the driver was to locate a desired target within the city without the use of navigational aids. The type of wayfinding strategy used by each driver was categorized as long search pattern, short search pattern, and no search pattern, and the number of road segments covered during their drive was also calculated to measure wayfinding efficiency. Results demonstrate a significant improvement in efficiency based on wayfinding strategy, with no search pattern (random search) being the most efficient strategy. There was not a significant effect of driver experience on wayfinding efficiency. Implications for urban planning are discussed.

Keywords: driver behaviour; navigation; wayfinding; urban planning

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