M. Talukder, A. Hainen, S. Remias, D. Bullock

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Pages: 135-152

This study proposes a new methodology to use route-based travel time observations to characterize 17 transportation networks. Over 1.3 million travel time records were reduced to provide continuous network 18 observation, comparisons in mobility between 15 cities in Alabama, and comparisons between the 50 largest 19 cities in the United States. The Peak Hour Travel Time Reliability metric (PHTTR) was used to compute 20 AM and PM ranking of the 50 largest cities in the United States. Those ranking were compared with the 21 travel time index used in the Texas Transportation Institute Urban Mobility Report. The paper concludes by 22 explaining how this technique can be used in multi-modal focused cities such as Portland, Oregon, to include 23 modes such as transit, biking, and walking so that transportation investment decision makers can be provided 24 with a less automobile-centric view of regional mobility. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov is then used to 25 quantitatively identify statistically similar transportation networks useful in self-assessment of performance.
Keywords: probe data; mobility; performance measures; travel time reliability; Kolmogorov-Smirnov

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