H.X. Chen, S. Patnaik

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Pages: 93-102

In order to overcome the problems of low discrimination rate, high false alarm rate and long average detection time in the process of road traffic condition discrimination, a new road traffic condition discrimination method based on triangular fuzzy number α - cut set coupling is proposed. Combined with the traffic flow characteristics of urban roads and the influencing factors of traffic congestion, this method analyzes the evaluation index of urban roads. Combined with the coupling of triangular fuzzy number α - cut set, the connection degree is determined in the process of set pair analysis and evaluation. Based on this, the behavior trajectory of vehicles is identified to judge the traffic safety situation. Each index in the traffic safety sample matrix is dimensionless. According to the Lagrange indefinite multiplier method, the results of road traffic operation are obtained. The experimental results show that the misjudgment rate of the proposed method is always controlled within 10%, which is in line with the three-level alarm system, and greatly reduces the misjudgment rate of traffic accidents. The indicators of the proposed method are the lowest, which fully shows that the proposed method can achieve very satisfactory results.
Keywords: triangular fuzzy number α-cut set coupling; road traffic; operating status; discrimination

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