M. Ragab, I. Hashim

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Pages: 61-72

The capacity analysis under mixed traffic flow conditions considers a dynamic problem. Traffic micro-simulation models have been a very effective tool for such problem. Calibration and validation of micro- simulation models are essential steps to ensure the reliability of the models. This paper suggests the use of measurable variables for calibrating micro-simulation models. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to estimate the roadway capacity through micro-simulation models calibrated using spot speed distributions. The micro-simulation software VISSIM was used to model and analyze the two-lane and multi-lane roads. The models were calibrated and validated using the data collected in Menoufia Governorate, Egypt. The K-S test was performed to ensure that simulated speed distributions matched the observed distributions. It was found that the models were successfully calibrated and validated. Finally, roadway capacity was estimated based on field data and micro-simulation models through the flow rate-density relationship. The results showed a good match between the field and simulated capacity.
Keywords: roadway capacity; calibration and validation; speed distribution; VISSIM

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