M.Z.A. Kamaludin, J. Karjanto, N. Muhammad, N. Md Yusof, M.Z. Hassan, A.F.H. Zulkifli, A.A. Ab Rashid
Pages: 229-244
Rapid advancements in automated vehicle (AV) technology have raised the question of how the AV will drive on the road. The first step to answering that question is identifying the human drivers’ driving style (DS) and then projecting the AV’s DS in the future. The Multidimensional Driving Style Inventory (MDSI) is a frequently used method to identify human DS in various cultural situations. This study aims to adapt the MDSI to Malaysian drivers and the local driving practices and then determine the Malaysian driving profiles. A total of 737 drivers aged from 17 years to 49 years completed the questionnaire. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) revealed a 5-factor structure of the MDSI. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) confirmed that the model fit of the MDSI was acceptable. Next, the association of DS with several personality traits and demographic data will be examined to further understand human DS characteristics. Further analysis found 15 driving profiles with one or two DS each. The MDSI factors were medium correlated with desire for control but weakly associated with trust and sensation seeking. Significant demographic data on driving styles were acquired. The Malaysian version of the MDSI has proven reliable and a valuable tool for formulating DS of AV in the future.
Keywords: automated vehicle; driving style; driving profile; personality trait; Malaysian driver; sensation seeking; trust; desire for control