Y.Y. Liu, B. Hu

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Pages: 47-56

In order to evacuate the road traffic flow to the greatest extent, the collaborative control method of tidal Lane intersection group based on Internet of things is studied. Firstly, the concept and basic structure of Internet of things are analyzed, and the collaborative control structure of tidal Lane intersection group is studied. Secondly, the characteristics and causes of tidal Lane intersection group are analyzed, and the critical direction distribution coefficient of tidal Lane intersection group is calculated. Finally, the signal timing of tidal Lane intersection group is designed, and the collaborative control function of tidal Lane intersection group is constructed with the goal of maximizing the traffic flow of tidal Lane intersection. The experimental results show that the tidal Lane intersection group coordinated control effect of the proposed method is good, which can ensure the smoothness of road traffic flow and effectively reduce the vehicle travel time.
Keywords: internet of things technology; tidal lane; intersection group; collaborative control; signal period

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