M. Zajicek, I-M. Jonsson

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Pages: 81-88

A driving simulator provides a useful tool for assessing the affect of in-car speech messages on drivers’ behavior and driving safety, where experiments using real driving situations would be costly and potentially dangerous. However a driving simulator is unable to supply all the different contexts which are available in the real driving situation. This paper examines the part that context plays in the evaluation of a speech based in-car messaging system when tested with older adults. Technology developers when designing for all, including older adults, should be aware of the preferences of different user groups. In-car message systems are available in many cars and could be of value to older people for orientation and help with driving. However they are under used by this age group. This paper explores how age related changes affect those facilities required for successful in-car technology use and discusses why evaluation of the systems creates new challenges. In particular the paper looks at the way in which older people have different perceptions from younger people and are more sensitive to change of context when evaluating systems.

Keywords: context; driving safety; older adults; in-car speech systems; user preference

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